Move Beyond Your Past…

So You Can Enjoy Life More

Targeted psychotherapy & counseling
using NeuroEmotional Technique and EFT
for individuals in Castle Rock, CO and surrounding areas

Gentle Process • You Control the Pace • Compassionate & Safe Space

Are You

Stuck in Unhealthy Patterns?

Feeling hopeless & not sure what to do?

Unable to move forward with your life?

Struggling with relationships or your career?

Overwhelmed by symptoms from trauma?

Experiencing depression, anxiety, PTSD, or phobias?

Do you keep getting the same results no matter what you try?

It’s Time To Feel Better!

Clearing unhealthy patterns from your body and mind and getting a fresh perspective can free up your energy and excitement for life

Feel more calm, relaxed,
& relieved

Find yourself smiling
more often

Handle situations in your life easier

Communicate better with your partner and others

Feel more productive by
thinking differently

Enjoy a fresh perspective on life

Hello!  I’m Wayne

I help individuals who want to get unstuck (usually from the past, but not always) and release unhealthy patterns so they can experience more freedom and happiness in their lives.

You’re probably very tired of the burdens you have been carrying. And feeling like no one understands how stuck you feel. It’s frustrating when you can’t seem to get past what is holding you

I want to help you feel lighter and more at peace.

You may have tried therapy in the past. But you’re looking for a better way.  My focus as a psychotherapist is helping people neutralize self-defeating patterns and overcome trauma.

I don’t believe in telling you what you need.  Instead I allow you to be in control of where we explore.  Our work together will be based upon ensuring you feel safe and respected at all times.   My approach is to listen to you with compassion and work on only what you want to address.   I trust you to decide how far you want to go and respect your decision about when you feel ready to stop.

Oh, and in case it’s important to you, I have a Masters Degree in Psychology and I have been an NET practitioner since 1990, EFT practitioner since 2001 and OEFT practitioner since 2016.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Chris C.

“Wayne helped me a lot during a difficult time in my life.  His gentle and kind manner and effective tools made a big difference for me.”

A. Jones

” I was amazed how quickly I felt better, after just a few sessions.  I continue to work with Wayne because it’s made such a positive impact in my life.”

M. Smith

“NET was a game-changer for me.  I tried a lot of other things but this helped me let go of the past and move forward with more clarity and peace.”


I don’t ever remember feeling this free, peaceful, light, energized and just overall happy! My husband is amazed at my transformation, and I feel like a new person. Thank you NET and Wayne for giving me my life back. I am forever grateful.

Getting Relief Is Easier Than You Think

Get Comfortable

Schedule a complimentary 20-minute intro call
to find out if this is a good fit for you

1 – Schedule Online
2 – Email me


Get Unstuck

If it’s a fit, sign up for your first session and we’ll work together to neutralize blocked emotions & unlock unhealthy patterns

Get On With Life

Feel lighter, calmer and more relaxed knowing you’re better able to
handle the situations in your life with greater ease

You don’t have to suffer alone any longer.
Let’s chat about it!


Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)

Neuro-Emotional Technique helps you process unresolved emotions held in the body that are keeping you stuck.

Emotional Freedom Technique helps you manage emotions and troubling thoughts.

My Promises To You

NET and EFT are completely safe techniques

Everything we discuss will be 100% confidential and only between us

While I can’t offer an iron-clad ‘guarantee’, I can share that almost everyone I have worked with has been very pleased with their results

You won’t have to dive into anything you don’t want to. I trust that it will come up when you’re truly ready to handle it

We will go at your pace - and only when you want to. And if at anytime you feel uncomfortable, we will stop

There is no long-term commitment - you can expect results in as few as 4 sessions

Let’s get started so you can start living your best life!




We use OK statements when doing the Neuro Emotional Technique in order to allow people to neutralize the emotions involved in the situation so that they can move forward in that area.   In using OK statements, it allows for transformation without dictating...

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For those of you who might not know Pavlov, he was a scientist who did an experiment with a bell, a dog and food to create a pattern.  He started his experiment by ringing a bell in front of a dog and then fed the dog.  After a short time, he...

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Pychotherapy & Counseling

Wayne Donald Andrews BS, MS
107 Fifth Street, Suite D
Castle Rock, CO  80104

Phone 303-955-6526

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