Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)

NET is a mind-body technique that uses a methodology of finding and removing neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress patterns. We call these unresolved patterns Neuro Emotional Complexes (NECs).

Emotional responses are sometimes “hard wired” into the body after an upsetting stimulus, usually subconsciously. Responses aren’t always locked in the body, but usually happen when you are vulnerable.  A stimulus happens, we respond, and then the body should return to normal. Occasionally, however, emotional trauma in the presence of a neurological or meridian deficit can cause a physio-pathological pattern in the body (an NEC) that does not resolve of itself. NET seeks to normalize this pattern by a physiological change; a result of a physical intervention that is made through cutaneous or spinal accesses to the nervous system.

How NET Helps

Psychiatrist Milton Erickson, stated that “everyone has their own map of the world”.  I explain it to my clients like this:

“You are the sum total of everything that has happened to you, and the decisions that you made about what happened.”

As an example I will cite what one client told me. She is the middle of three girls and when her parents told them that the were facing some tough times and not to ask for much, she took it to heart. She said her sisters would ask for things and get them, but she wouldn’t. When I first started working with her, she was struggling with money, but she also informed me that her sister doesn’t. So the decisions they made were obviously different, so they have different results in life.

Some of the issues NET has been found to be useful in assisting individuals are those with:

  • Post Traumatic Stress,
  • Anxiety,
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder,
  • feeling stuck,
  • stress,
  • and those who have difficulty in setting, visualizing, focusing and manifesting goals,
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics

Research published in “Molecules of Emotion”, Candice Pert,Ph.D., when searching for opiate receptors in the body, discovered that emotions were actually physical substances and other research indicate that attach to the body.  NET is useful in allow the physical substances to detach from the organ and be eliminated by the body, which neutralizes their effect and no longer interfere with you life.

 Watch a documentary about the research done by experts on NET. This film delves into our history with stress, how we got to where we are today, and where we go from here.

NET Facts

Who uses NET?

NET is a tool used by healthcare practitioners from many disciplines. Any practitioner using NET must use it within the boundaries of his/her professional and licensing requirements.

Does NET involve psychotherapy?

NET is not psychology or psychiatry, and it does not involve any type of psychotherapy or ‘talk it out’ therapy. If there is a psychological aspect present, this should be addressed by an appropriate healthcare professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.

Does NET deal with the spiritual realm?

NET does not deal with the spiritual realm. It does not exorcise demons or entities. It is not performed silently, over the phone or through any psychic activity, and it does not deal, in any way, with parapsychology. NET does not predict the future, and it does not tell people what their plan of action may, must, or should be for the future.

Does NET address past events?

NET does not make claims as to what may have happened in the past. In NET, all memory events in an NEC are considered ‘EMOTIONAL REALITY’ because these events may or may not correspond with actual or historical reality. For example, some NECs may be associated with imagined emotional events such as misconceptions or nightmares. Essentially, NET is a system of physiological (not psychological) correction that is without extrinsic values to influence the patient/client’s life.

What does NET help?

NET is a tool that can be used to help improve many behavioral and physical conditions. It is an emerging technology based on many scientific principles and strives for ongoing scientific studies to validate the excellent clinical results observed to this point. The value of NET is to be determined by objective science, the patient and the practitioner who is using the ideas and concepts of the NET technology.

What are NET vital points?

Dr. Walker has established NET Vital Points as powerful points on the body to check when trying to help any kind of mind – or body-related problem.


Muscle Testing

What is manual muscle testing (MMT) and how is it used?
  • MMT is not an arm wrestling contest
  • It’s not something that’s done to the patient (both participants must be willing to participate)
  • Keep the patient’s testing arm straight and the elbow gently locked
  • Ask the patient to ‘hold’ when first testing
  • Apply a gentle increase of pressure and feel for the ‘bite’ or ‘lock’ of the muscle (or lack thereof)
  • Stay focused and try to do the test the same way every time (be consistent)
  • Give the patient time to interpret the semantics or words being used
  • Exhibit confidence and know what a strong response indicates and what a weak response indicates
  • Be neutral and non-opinionated as to the outcome of the test
What types of manual muscle testing do you use?
  1. Orthopedic MMT — used to determine strength of a muscle on a 0-5 scale. Scientifically validated.
  2. Functional Neurology MMT — uses various types of challenges/stimuli to determine associated neutrality, resonance, or dissonance with the stimuli (AK, NET, etc.). Scientifically validated.
  3. Subconscious Lie Detector MMT non-validated approach — claimed by some to be able to determine the veracity of claim. This type of MMT could likely be legally challenged.
What is Functional Neurology MMT?

Net Uses a Functional Neurology MMMT. Just as it is normal to tap below the knee and have an involuntary Patellar Reflex response, similarly the MMT can evaluate an involuntary physiological response to various stimuli.

Some examples of stimuli used in NET include: Physical contact, auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, ideational (concept), etc.

Important: The muscle test is never used as a ‘yes/no’ or ‘true/false’ indicator, and it should not be used to verify the past, say ‘what is’, predict the future or tell anyone what should be done. In NET the muscle test always reflects the patient’s EMOTIONAL REALITY, as it may or may not correspond with actual or historical reality.

What is the Polarity Point?

The Polarity Point should always test weak (indicating the patient is electrical / testable). When needed, the Polarity Point can be used as a starting point to verify the patient is testable, and it can also be used in the middle of a testing process to verify the patient is still ‘on’ and testable.

The Polarity Point is located between the eyebrows on the midline of the body in the glabellar fossa, and it is generally best to use the tip of a finger when contacting the point avoid using the thumb.

Visualization & Affirmations

The expression, what we focus on expands, is applicable here. There are many books on visualization (The Secret, The Science of Getting Rich, etc) and many speakers who extol the virtues of visualizing what you want. These techniques work but it seems, not for everyone. If you have utilized these techniques and they have not been successful, it is probably because your belief system is telling you the opposite, of you think you are visualizing, without you knowing it (go to the action step and do that process). When, with NET, we muscle test a statement, what we are asking is whether the conscious mind (what you think), is congruent with the unconscious mind (what you believe). If the test is positive, there is nothing to work on. If the test is negative, then we must get the conscious and the unconscious to work together. Think of trying to plow a field with two horses that are not harnessed together. Each will go their own separate way and you will get a furrow, but it won’t be straight or productive. You may get a result, but it probably won’t be the one you want.

The same applies to affirmations. If you use affirmations and are still not creating what you affirm, then each time you use the affirmation, you are really focusing on the negative beliefs behind the affirmation and expanding that energy instead of the positive you seek. Now I don’t say that using an affirmation is bad, if it works for you, then obviously it is good, but if you are not neutralizing the negative, you won’t get what you want, or at least not as quickly as you would like. By neutralizing the negative beliefs, I feel, that you won’t even have to affirm what you want in order to create it, you just have to keep working on neutralizing the negative beliefs.

Pychotherapy & Counseling

Wayne Donald Andrews BS, MS
107 Fifth Street, Suite D
Castle Rock, CO  80104

Phone 303-955-6526
Email: wayne@wayneda.com

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