Your Life Choices: There is much written about making choices in your life. Making choices that forward your movement in life may be more difficult if you keep repeating the same negative patterns. Have you ever know someone who has declared that all the people they go out with are the same. A few things may be happening. They may not, because of their patterns, be able to see anything other that the same issue in each relationship. Or, they may be attracting the same type of person because they believe at that is all there is out there. There may be other reasons, but these can be used as example.
Patterns that we develop, usually at a early age, are really attributes we see exemplified around us but the people who impact our lives the most. Parents, family, teachers, friends, etc. are the examples we tend to follow as we grow. Parents are usually the first to impact our lives (see Harvard Study), but as we age, depending on our personalities, we tend to mimic others so that we fit in. This helps to create our patterns and we follow them without thinking as we grow older. If we are fortunate, the patterns move us forward in the direction we want our live to go, if not, then we have to recognize the patterns that are getting in our way and deal with them in some manner. Or risk living our lives the same way, year after year.
If, like some people, you are not completely sure of pattern is getting in your way, we can use NET VITAL POINTS to start the initial process of determining what is in your way.